Activation of Long Living Masternode Quorums, Chain Locks and Proof of Service. The corresponding functionality is included in version 0.17 and will be enabled step by step until the end of June in mainnet using DIP0008, DIP0020, DIP0022 and some sporks.
- 08/03/2022: Spork 23 activated with Block 327725
- 06/17/2022: DIP0020/21 activated with Block 316800
- 06/15/2022: DIP0020/21 locked in
- 06/13/2022: Spork 21 activated with Block 315883
- 06/13/2022: Spork 19 activated with Block 315858
- 06/12/2022: Spork 17 activated with block 315680
- 06/12/2022: DIP0020/21 miner voting begins
- 06/12/2022: DIP0008 activated with block 315530